Grills in the test: smart fillers

Summer, sun, juicy steaks – for many, these things simply belong together. We took a close look at four current models from Aurora, Braun, Ninja Foodi and Severin Sevo among the steaks.
The summer has already shown what it’s capable of: plenty of sun, hardly any rain. But the mild summer evenings are only now coming, and with them the time for extensive barbeque orgies: Buon appetito!

Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability to run a large charcoal or gas grill.
Hence we have tested four smart grills that take up little space and do not smoke the neighbors – ideal for patios and balconies.
Smart? Yes, exactly. Each of the grills tested is smart in its own way – be it an app control, a particularly flexible usability or the possibility to enjoy coal “smoke-free”.
Can grilling be smart?
Grilling is the male domain par excellence: Fire, smoke, beer, juicy steaks – and afterwards a pile of charcoal, dirty grates and, in the worst case, trouble with the neighbors. Especially when the barbecue took place in the row house settlement or on the balcony in the block of flats.
But that need not be. The grill manufacturers have the market of space-saving and low-smoke grilling long discovered for themselves. Almost every well-known supplier has at least one electric model on offer. Compared to coal and gas, these devices are kind of smart just because of the fact that there is no combustion: no fire, hardly any smoke, zero CO2 – at least with green electricity.

But modern smart grills can do much more. That starts at automatic programshands over digital grill thermometer and goes up to full control over a smartphone app. is that necessary? No. But it’s fun and maybe leads to better grilling results with less effort.
Smart = electric?
A charcoal or gas grill is the epitome of analogue technology. The mostly only electronic component is the piezo igniter for the gas burner.
With an electric grill, which naturally has one power supply brings, completely new possibilities open up. For example, the Ninja Foodi MAX has numerous automatic programs for grilling, roasting, frying and drying. He also contributes directly digital grill thermometer with – one of these is also included with the devices from Severin and Braun.
But while the Braun MultiGrill Pro 9 gets its smartness primarily from its Variability as a grill, gratin oven and waffle iron expresses, the Severin Sevo Smart Control GT can be completely control via app.
The Enders Aurora Mirror occupies a special position: Not only that, this grill the most compact is in the test field, he will too heated with coal.
He still needs electricity – but thanks is enough here USB port also a power bank. This operates one Fanwhich, together with a special kindling paste, glows through the charcoal particularly quickly and thus the Smoke development minimized. And with the LED lighting, it also looks chic.
Grills in the test: conclusion
With an intelligent grill, the grilling pleasure can be increased even further. The manufacturers have the current one Trend towards space-saving and low-smoke grilling recognized and now offer a variety of electric models.
In our comparison, we were particularly impressed by the Severin Sevo Smart Control GT enthusiastic – performance, size and above all the control via app are unparalleled. Clearly our comparison winner!
Also the Braun MultiGrill 9 Pro delivered very good grilling results – and at a significantly lower price.
The all-rounder Ninja Foodi MAX AG551EU also conjures up delicious dishes.
Our Price-performance tip goes to the Ender’s Aurora Mirror 1380. Despite the charcoal, this grill produces hardly any smoke and can even be used on the balcony.
But now: Let’s get to the steaks!