Cellular Discounter Benchmark 2022 – PC Magazin

- Cellular Discounter Benchmark 2022
- MVNO Benchmark 2022: 1&1, Aldi Talk, Ay Yildiz and Blau
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- Mobile Discounter Benchmark 2022: More information, results & conclusion
The monthly average data volume consumed per mobile connection should be around 3.3 gigabytes. At least the market research company Statista has forecast this value for the end of 2021.
Without the continuous expansion of their mobile communications infrastructure, the three network operators could telecom, Vodafone and O2/Telefonica no longer satisfy the ever-increasing thirst for data.
The booked tariff defines which services a smartphone user is entitled to in detail. the MNOs (Mmobile Nnetwork Operators) provide discerning customers with premium offers, among other things.
With exclusive extras such as the highest LTE download data rates and access to the still young 5G network, other mobile phone providers can often not serve without their own infrastructure.
This MVNOs (Mmobile Vvirtual Nnetwork Ooperators) cooperate with the network operators and market the acquired capacities own tariffs – mostly according to the motto: good and cheap access to the mobile Internet.
With their simple offers graded according to data volume and convenient inclusive services such as voice and SMS flat rates, the mobile phone discounters are knocking open the door for price-conscious smartphone users – reason for us to take another closer look at the mobile phone services provided by the MVNOs, which are independent of tariffs.
Over 112 million measurement samples from 395,000 users
Above six months has our test partner umlaut Key figures for broadband coveragethe data rates and the maturities recorded and about 112 million MVNO specific measurement samples evaluated. This time, this also includes the proportion of HD callsthat offer better voice quality.
In general, the focus here is on the mobile phone experience with conventional app use. In addition, umlaut has measured which data rates are currently feasible at the various MVNOs. The graphics below illustrate the average values of the maximum possible transmission speeds.
Since the number of these active speed tests for smaller mobile phone providers was not sufficient for statistically reliable statements, these results could not be evaluated. We also looked at the tariff services and the costs, but did not rate them.

The crowdsourcing test procedure
Our partner umlaut has evaluated elementary key figures for broadband coverage, voice quality, data rates and runtimes for this MVNO benchmark using its proven, usage-oriented test methodology.
The crowd or in new German the “crowd“ makes the difference. Or to put it more clearly: The results of this mobile benchmark are based on a comprehensive data base.
in the survey period from the 6.12.2021 (week 49) until 5/22/2022 (CW 20) came about solely when recording the MVNO-specific key figures (KPIs, Key Performance Indicators). 112 million measurement samples of about 395,000 mobile users together.
Subject to the consent of the user, the anonymous data collection in the background during daily smartphone use. A measurement procedure stored in many apps takes the samples and transmits these passively determined results at regular intervals bundled in packets with a few bytes to the umlaut server.
Stay in the mobile benchmark Wi-Fi connections outside. The test procedure also filters out samples that do not meet predefined minimum requirements.
Regarding the key figures analyzed: Within the four evaluation categories, the broadband coverage most heavily weighted. Two flow here too Carrier specific KPIs a. To assess Range and quality of the 4G/5G coverage by the MNOs, our test partner divides the federal territory into square tiles (Evaluation Areas, EAs with 2 x 2 km).
The range of broadband coverage documents how many areas have users 4G/5G access had. The percentage relates to all valid EAs.
With the also area-related quality of broadband service the number of 4G/5GSamples per network operator is set in relation to all samples.
In addition, umlaut also has the for all MVNOs examined time share of 4G/5G coverage. This key figure describes how often the users were able to access the broadband capacities of their mobile phone provider during the 24-week test period.
New in the evaluation is the proportion of Calls in HD voice quality. This KPI allows conclusions to be drawn about the extent to which an MVNO offers improved voice quality over LTE connections (Voice over LTE, VoLTE). An assessment was only made if the smartphones used supported VoLTE.
The data rates are in three application-typical speed classes assigned. The minimum requirement for basic internet lies by 2 Mbpsfor HD video at 5 Mbps and for UHD video at 20 Mbps. The percentages in the table (table of results to download here) indicate how high the proportion is that the thresholds reached or exceeded.
Both latencies is less better: For OTT Voice Services allowed the round-trip times maximum 100 milliseconds (ms). For online gaming via mobile communications, there is an even stricter maximum runtime limit of 50 milliseconds.
Now let’s look at each provider in turn:
Mobifunk Discounter Benchmark 2022: 1&1, Aldi Talk, Ay Yildiz and Blau