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If artificial intelligence Chat GPT voted, it would be for Macron or Mélenchon



If artificial intelligence Chat GPT voted, it would be for Macron or Mélenchon

Researchers wanted to know if the artificial intelligence tool had political convictions. It’s the case.

Pierre-Henri Morand discovered that behind the appearance of the neutrality of the answers, there were convictions, judgments, a sense of good and evil; in short, everything that forms the fabric of a moral system. ” We expected to see him position himself on very middle options, but that’s not what happened. We have seen him develop very clear-cut opinions, for example in favor of adoption by homosexual couples or against the death penalty. », explains Pierre-Henri Morand.

After this battery of tests, it clearly appears that ChatGPT is – despite its assertions – neither neutral nor lacking in conviction, and, surprise, if we refer to the nomenclature of the institute, the robot belongs to the progressive family. This political family is, according to the inventor of the test, very favorable to multiculturalism, to the reception of migrants, to the rights of minorities and very concerned about ecological issues. It is a political family which, so to speak, never votes for the right and even less for the extreme right. “ He has the profile of a liberal mainstream and pragmatic Californian », explains Jean-Yves Dormagen, founder of Cluster 17 and author of this questionnaire. In short, if ChatGPT voted in the elections in France, he would vote like someone young, educated, cosmopolitan, he would probably vote Macron, Mélenchon or Hamon.


